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tv   Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs  CNN  April 22, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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nearly 300 people dead and the terror attacks in sri lanka. security was circulated among police ten days earlier. >> it may be that we undertake impeachment. >> what is the best thing for the country? >> do you think this is impeachable? >> yeah, i do. >> some democrats starting to come around on impeachment in the wake of the mueller report. >> laughter is the best medicine, comedians score a
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decisive win as ukraine's next president, bringing fresh uncertainty to a critical ally. claims of excessive force in florida. video captured police slamming a teen's head to the ground. what a deputy is saying this morning. good morning, and welcome to "early start," i'm michelle kaczynski. >> i-- michelle. >> 290 people, that number includes at least two americans. the attack involved coordinated explosions of at least eight locations across sri lanka, including three churches, four high end hotels. officials now say 24 people are under arrest. >> the state department says terror groups are still plotting
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possible attacks with little or no warning. a police source tells cnn an internal memo was sent to authorities before the bombings which obtained a warning to raise security. senior international correspondent ivan watson is live in the capitol of colombo. tell us what we're learning now. >> reporter: a government minister told me this is a brand new type of terrorism for sri lanka. the church behind me is st. anthony's shrine. it is one of three catholic church churches bombed by suicide bombers on easter sunday. a government minister says at least 102 people were killed and there was a mass funeral in that city. there were also three luxury hotels here in colombo that were hit as well. just incredible coordination that took place. the authorities are being very careful at this time not to
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point any fingers and not to blame any organization. there have been no claims of responsibility even though there's a massive death toll, wounded people battling for their lives in intensive care in hospitals. there has been reporting and part of a memo published by a government minister here. earlier this month, between different departments of the security forces, warning about the threats of suicide attacks against catholic churches and against the indian high commission, so one government minister i talked to called this negligence, the fact that nobody had followed up on that and properly protected, churches like this where there is broken glass on the pavement and the clock tower appears to be stuck at approximately 8:45 a.m.
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that is when we believe the explosion ripped through this church on easter sunday. michelle. >> just an unbelievable thing to wake up to yesterday. thanks for that, ivan. back here, a frightening scene sunday at an easter service in san diego. church members tackling a woman carrying a 10-month-old baby and a handgun after she threatened to blow up the church. witnesses say the woman walked into the aud tomorritorium at n during a nondenominational service. >> two minutes after i come in, this lady comes on stage, came through the back with her baby and a gun and starts talking all of this craziness about the rapture not being real and everyone going to hell. one of the older gentleman grabbed it from her and me and a couple of other men tackled her. >> the woman identified as anna
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konke. the children are now in protective custody. a growing number of democrats are warming up to the idea of impeaching president trump including three key committee chairmen who seemed hesitant in the past to even discuss the issue. >> now, it may be that we have under taken impeachment nonetheless. what we are going to have to decide as a caucus, what is the best thing for the country? is the best thing for the country to take up an impeachment, to do otherwise says that this is somewhat compatible with office. >> we have to make decisions based upon the fact that it is our watch. history, i think, even if we did not win possibly, if there were not impeachment, i think history would smile upon us for standing up for the constitution. >> do you think this is
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impeachable? >> yeah, i do. i do think that this, if proven, which hasn't been proven yet, some of this, if proven, some of this would be impreachable, yes. obstruction of justice would be impeachable. >> testing the waters out there. chairman nadler plans to called don mcgahn to testify before the house judiciary committee. mcgahn refused an order from president trump. and already engaged with the justice department, they are making preliminary arrangements for robert mueller to testify next month. the white house now in full spin mode. >> do you feel like he's truthful? >> i believe he's truthful, yeah, as much as he can be in a world in which every single word you say is picked apart. >> rudy giuliani not stopping there, the president's personal
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lawyer launching a blistering attack on the mueller report while curiously not questioning its findings. >> you're saying that this document is not credible. >> how about looking at it this way, people who were unfair to him, people who wrote an unfair report, people who came close to torturing people. >> the report that ultimately cleared president trump. >> and that takes every cheap shot imaginable because he couldn't prove it. >> you call it cheap shots, other people call it evidence. >> do you and the president accept the idea that the russian interference was designed to help president trump. >> i believe it was. i can't tell you for sure. i haven't examined all of that. >> does the president accept that? >> i think he does. >> boris sanchez traveled with the president for the holiday weekend filing this report from west palm beach. >> daive and michelle, accordin to sources president trump spent
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the weekend fuming over details in the mueller report and depiction from former white house officials of a white house in chaos, a president that is unhinged, paranoid and angry and aides that either ignore or refuse to carry out his orders. in the meantime, the president's attorney general, rudy giuliani was on the sunday morning talks shows. he spoke with jake tapper, and jake asked him about behavior outlined in the mueller report, specifically whether it was ethical or moral. listen to rudy giuliani's response. >> any candidate in america would take information. >> from a hostile foreign source? >> there's nothing wrong with taking information from russians. >> there's nothing wrong? >> it depends on where it came from. you're assuming that the giving of information as a campaign contribution. you read the report carefully. the report says we can't conclude that because the law is against us. >> the strategy from the president's legal team is one we have seen before. they are questioning the
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credibility of people cited in mueller's report, even as they accept the report's general findings. we should point out house speaker nancy pelosi is scheduled to hold a conference call with the democratic caucus at 5:00 p.m. on monday to talk about the possibility of pursuing impeachment. dave and michelle. now to an astounding story, a tv comedian who played a teacher who pictures president of ukraine is now the real president of ukraine. >> very convincing performance. >> very convincing performance. but wait, which is real. >> wait, i'm confused. >> tough to tell. >> political newcomer, vladimir zelensky, look, we elected a reality show real estate guy, but zelensky, i cannot find a policy, a stance on anything.
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did i miss it? >> reporter: you're right. it has been an extraordinary campaign, one that ze lensky, you're right, he's famous not for his political experience as an actor and comedian, as you touch on someone who pretends to be ukraine's president. on a tv show, he's a regular guy who accidentally becomes president and goes ahead b battling corruption, and that's essentially what his campaign was based on too. no hard ideas or policies. he didn't appear in public much. he didn't give interviews. instead, he ran online videos, cheeky online videos, attacking his opponents and campaigned in generalities, promising to do it better than the other guy. and it all worked, the exit polls show a spectacular victory in securing around 73% of the vote. that vote is divided up among
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those who simply were fed up with the status quo, but also those who really fell for this guy, whose expectations are incredibly high and who believe he's the man who can once and for all clean up ukrainian politics, this is a country with big problems. a struggling economy, a war against russian backed separatists in the east. all of this he's going to have to start dealing with on day one. ukraine is on the front line against the west ongoing confrontation with russia. this professional clown, this comedian is now the man who's going to have to be going toe to toe, facing off against a man who's not known for his easy laughs. >> any reaction from putin or russia? >> reporter: not from putin specifically but russia itself is saying that ukraine has expressed the desire for change, which is kind of obvious. but there is a theory, oucften
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expressed by zelensky's opponent that vladimir putin will be happy about this. he has no experience. putin as we know has been dominating his country and to a significant extent, international affairs for almost 20 years now. >> phil black live in kiev. thanks again. in phil's words, michelle, a professional clown is now toe to toe with vladimir putin. >> in iceland years ago a cheed y -- comedian won, and it's a great documentary called gnar. >> i'll check that out, my friend. eight allies could face sanctions if they keep buying oil from iran. a big move from the state department coming up next. tive , specifically from the chihuahua people. what?! that's... i find that crazy.
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first quarter, gdp is due friday after worries about a u.s. economic slow down weighed on their minds at the start of the year. the federal reserve bank of atlanta estimating 2 pn.8% grow forecast an average of 1.9%. weaker than expected report could drive wall street and other assets lower. the president made big promises of three, four, even 5% growth but many economists think economic growth may have peaked for now. the sugar high is fading and global growth slowing. the economy expected to grow at a slower speed in 2019, and last year's 2.6%. state countdepartment says countries importing iranian oil could face sanctions starting next month. "the washington post" reporting sanctions waivers could not
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longer with ordered. secretary of state mike pompeo is expected to make that announcement this morning. the state department issued 180 day waivers last november to china, india, japan, south korea, taiwan, turkey, italy, and greece. the idea was to give them time to find alternative oil sources. u.s. officials now say the goal of the new policy is to drive up the cost of iran's maligned behavior and address the regime's threats. the defense department identifying two u.s. service members killed. 22-year-old army specialist ryan riley of richmond, kentucky, died saturday in iraq. the defense department statement says he was supporting the efforts against al qaeda in operation inherent resolve. they did not disclose further details about the incident which is under investigation. the department also announcing 24-year-old staff sergeant albert miller of richmond, new
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hampshire, died friday in qatar. the death is also under investigation. ahead, the oakland a's center fielder taking a home run away with a spectacular grab, but that's not what makes one of the most amazing plays you'll ever see coming up. ial we see two travelers at a comfort inn with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, "wow, maybe i'll glow too if i book direct at" who glows? just say, badda book. badda boom. book now at
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what are you doing? he's bleeding. >> a florida sheriffs deputy under investigation for slamming a teenager's head into the ground and punching him moments after another officer pepper sprayed the teen. the entire incident caught on
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camera. broward county sheriffs is vowing to conduct a thorough investigation. the arrest report, the deputy claims he had to act quickly because he feared he would be struck or have his weapon taken from him. he has been placed on restrictive administrative assignment. a 5-year-old boy missing in illinois, and police do not believe he was aboducted or walked away. the parents of 5-year-old andrew, a.j.freund reported him missing last thursday. report has included drones and rescue k-9 units. the dogs picked up andrew's scent within the residence, indicating he had not left the home on foot. >> i have no control over what people think. i just want my son to come home, okay. >> the illinois department of children and family services has been involved with the family since just after andrew was born. officials say there were sign of
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neglect by the mother. a florida man, the words by which many strange stories begin in the world, arrested and charged with impersonating a police officer after trying to pull over an undercover cop. police say 26-year-old matthew joseph had red and blue lights on the grill of his vehicle. they called in the traffic stop, and kept their eyes on ennis until sheriffs deputies arrived and pulled him over. they found a realistic air soft pistol and a light bar installed on the roof. no word on a court day for the florida man. >> hash tag, a florida man. this just might be the craziest baseball play you'll see this season. blue jays in oakland. hernandez sent that fly ball to deep left center, laureano robs him, catcher backs up the play,
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makes the through to second, your traditional 8-2-4 double play. bravo. ahead an internal security warning was circulated ten days before coordinated easter terror attacks in sri lanka. the death toll spiking overnight to nearly 300. these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter
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nearly 300 people now dead in coordinated easter terror attacks in sri lanka. a security warning was circulated among police ten days earlier. it may be that we have undertaken impeachment. what is the best thing for the country? >> do you think this is impeachable. >> yeah, i do. >> a lengthy pause. some democrats starting to come around on impeachment in the wake of the mueller report. a comedian scores a decisive
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win in ukraine's next president. i'm sorry, i secured that whole thing up. as ukraine's next president. >> because it's so hard to believe. >> bringing fresh uncertainty to an ally. what are you doing? he's bleeding. >> and claims of excessive force in florida. video captured police slamming a teen asset head to the ground. what that deputy is saying this morning. good morning, everyone. welcome back to "early start." i'm david brigs. >> and i'm michelle kosinski. the death toll in sri lanka rising steeply to 290 people now. that number includes at least two americans. the attack involved coordinated explosions in at least eight locations across sri lanka, including three churches and four high-end hotels. officials now say 24 people are under arrest so far. the state department says terror groups are still plotting
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possible attacks with little or no warning. also, a police source tells cnn an internal memo was sent by authorities before the bombing raising security. cnn international ivan watson live at the capitol clm bolombo >> it's a city subdued and in mourning. i'm standing in front of the shrine, one of the three catholic churches that was viciously attacked on the holiest day of the calendar, easter sunday. you can see clergy gathered there as well as armed police. we have had soldiers here as well and some of the damage, the glass and even the roof and the clock tower appearing to be frozen at 8:45, which is when we believe that the suicide bomber struck at this location and this
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was a coordinated attack because there were three luxury hotels up the road from where i am here in colombo that were also attacked as well as two other catholic churches in two other cities in this country. so just a kind of organization that has frankly shocked the authorities here. one government minister telling me that this is a brand new type of terrorism for sri lanka, and that's saying something because this country fought a civil war for decades that ended almost ten years ago. and it's no stranger to acts of political violence. there's some big questions right now, though, because some government ministers have published parts of a memo between different security departments issuing a warning that they got from a foreign intelligence service warning about possible suicide attacks against catholic churches and
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the indian high commission, the embassy here in colombo. so some government ministers are saying why wasn't action taken in response to these warnings, calling this negligence and incompetence, but they are also trying to keep people safe. in one of the police raids yesterday, the targets of the raid detonated pbombs, killing three police. they're not taking chances. there is a 12-hour curfew, 10 hours, i'm sorry, at 8:00 p.m. tonight. they are also freezing access to social media here worried about rumors being spread and the security forces being very careful not to point any big fingers at any one group or organization in this multiethnic, multisectarian country before the investigation gets more details. i might add no claims of responsibility up until now for
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these atrocities. dave and michelle. >> just past 2:00 p.m. there. ivan watson live for us. thank you. there is a frightening scene sunday at an easter service in san diego. church members tackled a woman carrying a 10-month-old baby and a handgun after she threatened to blow up that church. witnesses say the woman walked into the auditorium at mount everest academy around noon during a nondenominational service. >> and two minutes after i came in, this lady comes on stage, came through the back her baby and a gun, and she starts talking all of this craziness about the rapture not being real and everyone going to hell. after she started pointing the gun, an older man grabbed her. >> police identified the woman as anna konke. they later found her 5-year-old daughter healthy and unhurt.
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a growing number of democrats are warming up to the idea of impeachment, including three key members. >> it may be that we have undertaken impeachment nonetheless. what we are going to have to decide as a caucus is what is the best thing for the country, is it the best thing for the country to take up an impeachment proceeding because to do others suggests that this conduct is compatible with office. >> there comes a point in life where we all have to make decisions based upon the fact that it is our watch, and you know, history, i think, even if we did not win possibly, if there were not impeachment, i think history would smile upon us for standing up for the constitution. >> do you think this is impeachable? >> yeah, i do. i do think that this, if proven -- if proven, which
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hasn't been proven yet, some of this, if proven, some of this would be impeachable, yes. obstruction of justice if proven would be impeachable. >> chairman nadler plans to call don mcgahn to testify before the house judiciary committee. mcgahn refused an order from president trump to fire the special counsel. >> and politico is reporting democrats on the judiciary committee are engaged with the justice department. they're making preliminary arrangements for robert mueller to testify next month. the white house now in full spin mode. do you feel like he's truthful? >> i believe he's truthful, as much as he can be in a world in which every single word you say is picked apart. >> rudy giuliani not stopping there. the president's personal lawyer laun launching a blistering attack on the mueller report, while curiously not questioning its findings. >> you're saying this document is not credible. >> how about looking at it this
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way, people who wrote an unfair report, people who came close to torturing people to get information, how about having -- >> the report that ultimately cleared president trump. >> and that takes every cheap shot imaginable because he couldn't prove it. >> you called it cheap shots. other people call it evidence. >> but you don't just spew out all this stuff. >> do you and the president accept the idea that the russian interference was designed to help president trump. >> i believe it was. i can't tell you for sure. no reason to dispute it. >> does the president accept that? >> i think he does. >> boris sanchez traveled with the president for the holiday weekend. he filed this report from west palm beach. >> reporter: dave and michelle, according to sources president trump spent the weekend fuming over news coverage of details in the mueller report and the depiction from some former white house officials of a white house in chaos. a president that is unhinged, paranoid and angry, and aides
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that either ignore or refuse to carry out his orders. meantime, the president's attorney, rudy giuliani was on the sunday morning talk shows. he spoke with jake tapper on state of the union. jake asked him about behavior outlined in the mueller report, specifically whether it was ethical or moral. >> any candidate in the whole world in america would take information. >> from a hostile foreign source? >> there's nothing wrong with taking information from russians. it depends on where it came from. you're assuming that the giving of the information is a campaign contribution. the report says we can't conclude that because the law is pretty much against that. >> the strategy from the president's legal team is one we have seen before. they are questioning the credibility of people cited in mueller's report as they accept the report's general findings. we should point out house speaker nancy pelosi is scheduled to hold a conference call with the democratic caucus
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at 5:00 p.m. on monday to talk about the possibility of pursuing impeachment. david and michelle. >> thank you so much, boris. a former u.s. attorney in manhattan says there's a potential obstruction case against president trump once he's out of office. he noticed the mueller report said evidence was being preserved. >> the president, once he leaves office can be charged with crimes committed in office. i don't think it can be more clear, whether or not a prosecutor will seek to do it, and whether or not there will be viable defenses, i don't know, but the position of the mueller team is clearly the case, they think there is future legal jeopardy. >> the president fired pharrar, where trump was named as individual 1 in the hush money case against michael cohen. joe biden poised to make his long awaited announcement this week that he's entering the 2020 race. he will likely make a video
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announcement followed by a series of events. separately, biden spent the eastern holiday in delaware. his entry to the race will answer one of the biggest questions lingering, with a crowded, historically diverse democratic field, this would mark biden's third run for the white house. life imitating art in ukraine, a tv comedian who played a teacher who becomes president of ukraine is now, in fact, the real president of ukraine. political newcomer, zelensky is declaring victory. tell us about the reaction to this. is there shock there? >> reporter: not really, michelle because such was the popularity and the dominance of vladimir zelensky, his messages, ideas and persona has resonated.
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he cleans up politics in this country. that's the character he plays on television. that's the character he says he's now playing in real life. that's what his whole campaign was based about, the tv show's phenomenally successful here. he's a popular, charismatic comedian and actor, and thez conducted this campaign in -- he has conducted this campaign in a clever. he has not talked about detailed policy. instead, campaigning in pretty vague generalities about cleaning up politics, fighting corruption, making things better, doing things for the ukrainian people. all of that has worked for him. it's just he's a fresh face and people are ready for it. he has secured, according to exit polls, something around 73% of the vote. a truly spectacular result really. but that's a mix of people who were simply fed up with the old system, a protest vote, if you like, and those who have generally fallen for zelensky,
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people who have projected their hopes and dreams on to his likable face and vague campaign. the problems are going to start for him on day one of his presidency, the weak economy, the ongoing fighting and war against russian backed separatists. it all matters because ukraine is the front line of the west ongoing confrontation with russia, across a range of issues. a big part of vladimir zelensky's job will be going toe to toe with vladimir putin, the clown, if you like, against the guy who has dominated world affairs for something close to 20 years. there's a theory that says putin is going to be happy with this because he will be dealing with a truly inexperienced ukrainian president. thank you so much. >>. it is astounding a ukrainian officer manager going to a cheap
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supermarket and all the food is rotten and you rummage around to find the least rotten piece. that's who you vote for as president, folks in 2019. a 5-year-old is missing in illinois, and police are focussing on what happened inside the boy's home. critical story ahead. i got a le a leaf is a hint that is connected to each person in your family tree. i learned that my ten times great grandmother is george washington's aunt. within a few days i went from knowing almost nothing to holy crow, i'm related to george washington. this is my cousin george. discover your story. start searching for free now at
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4:48 eastern time, and j.p. morgan chase crowe jamie diamond says america has an infrastructure problem and told fox it will cost the u.s. more if it's not fixed now. >> infrastructure not even in the top 20 now, and we need infrastructure and we have time. i would spend the money on infrastructure and find a way to pay for it. if you don't fix it, it's 3 trillion. >> last week jp morgan announced it is investing $3 million in each of five u.s. cities as part
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of the firm's advancing city programs. the 500 million, 5-year initiative is meant to drive growth and economic activities in cities across the country. infrastructure is a bipartisan issue diamond said sunday. >> democrats and republicans, we both sit in a room and say we need infrastructure so i'm hoping there might be a common ground here. >> still mounting debt makes conversations around future expenditures difficult. they have still yet to put a legislative proposal. the u.s. tightening sanctions on iran this morning. the state department says countries importing iranian oil, including many u.s. allies could face sanctions starting next month. "the washington post" reporting that sanctions wavers will no longer be granted to those countries after may 2nd, something the state department has been foreshadowing now for weeks. secretary of state mike pompeo is expected to make that announcement this morning. the state department issued
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180-day waivers to china, india, japan, south korea, taiwan, turkey, italy, and greece. the idea was to give them time to find alternative oil sources. now, though, u.s. officials say this is happening and the goal of the new policy is to drive up the costs of iran's maligned behavior and address the regime's threats. a tentative deal reached to end the ten-day stop and shop strike. cnn basis has the details next.
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♪ pardon the interruption but this is big! now at t-mobile buy any samsung galaxy s10 and get a galaxy s10e free!
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. 13 students and chaperons
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were hospitalized. in a connecting american airlines flight from miami to boston, a total of 16 passengers reported feeling symptoms of a stomach illness. according to the boston globe, the students and chaperons who became ill ate at the same restaurant in ecuador saturday night before heading home. what are you doing? he's bleeding. >> a florida sheriffs deputy under investigation for slamming a teenager's head into the ground and punching him. moments after another officer pepper sprayed the teen. the entire incident caught on camera. broward county sheriff is vowing to conduct a thorough investigation. in the arrest report, the deputy claims he had to act because he feared he would be struck or have his weapon taken from him. he has been placed on restrictive assignment. a 5-year-old boy is missing in illinois.
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police do not believe he was abducted or walked away. they are putting a special focus on the family's home. the parents of a.j. freund reported him missing last thursday. the report has 15 police agencies, drones, and the rescue k-9 units. the dog picked up andrew scent only in the residence indicating he had not left home on foot. >> i have no control over what people think. i just want my son to come home. okay. >> the illinois department of children and family services has been involved with the family since just after andrew was born. officials say there were sign of neglect by his mother. a veteran zoo keeper recovering this morning after she was attacked this weekend by a tiger at the zoo in topeka, kansas. officials say the woman and a 7-year-old male sumatra tiger were both in the tiger habitat when the animal essentially tackled her. >> it's a normal part of the
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daily process for her to enter that space to clean it, to maintain it, to put out enrichment items. all of that is normal. the one point that was not normal was that sanji also found access to that space at the same time. >> no small problem. the zoo keeper suffered lacerations to her head, back, neck and arms. she's currently in stable condition. she has been working in that space for years. the topeka zoo will not euthanize sanji. john oliver takes a look at one of the biggest surprises in the mueller report. >> there are multiple incidents of people ignoring the president's obstructions. like when trump asked cory lewandowski. >> the president gave him orders to tell attorney general jeff sessions to curtail the scope of the russia investigation.
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lewandowski according to the report never followed through, intending to pass through to an aide who did not follow through on what the president instructed. >> that's a chain of two people fail to go follow through on a demand from the president, and the aide passed order to an assistant who opened the window and shouted it to a grounds keeper, who wrote it down, and taped it to a roomba that was passing by who threw it into a river. 4:58 eastern time. asian markets closed earlier to start the week. european markets are closed. and on wall street, ahead of a busy earnings week, wall street ended higher, dow ended just under 1%. and nasdaq closed up slightly higher. earnings season is in full bloom. facebook, boeing and tesla will report their first quarter earnings wednesday.
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so far it has not changed its guidance of 360,000 to 400,000 vehicles for the year. boeing's earnings are expected to take a hit after the grounding of the 737 max planes last month. investors will be eager to hear when the grounding will be lifted. they also will want the company's outlook for deliveries and orders for the jet going forward. stop and shop employees and the grocery chain have reached a tentative deal to end the ten-day strike. late sunday, stop and shop workers who were on strike will return to work monday morning adding the message you sent by collectively standing up for yourselves, families and good jobs has resonated only with the country but all of america. the strike began april 11th when 31,000 workers walked out of stores across massachusetts, rhode island and connecticut. the hill reports the three-year deal includes a pay increase for all associates and continued health coverage and retirement
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benefits. that is a huge sigh of relief for people in towns like mine that have one grocery and have had nowhere to buy toilet paper for the last ten days. >> a good ending for this one. >> "early start" continues right now. nearly 300 people now dead in coordinated easter terror attacks in sri lanka. t mpl what is the best thing for the country. >> do you think this is impeachable? >> yeah, i do. >> some democrats are starting to come around on impeachment in the wake of the mueller report. a comedian scores a decisive win as ukraine's next president, bringing fresh


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